The Big Scoop On Tooth Sensitivity

  DO YOU GET a painful jolt through your teeth every time you try to enjoy a bite of ice cream or a sip of fresh coffee? If you do, then you’re familiar with the woes of tooth sensitivity, and you’re not alone. More than half of adults between the ages of 20 and 50 experience some degree of sensitivity in their teeth,... read more »

Cosmetic Dentistry and Its Effect on Your Dental Health

Not all cosmetic dentistry procedures are crafted to simply improve the look of your smile. Some can vastly enhance its function as well. Are you familiar with cosmetic dentistry and the effect on your smile? The basics of cosmetic dentistry include the following: If you are simply looking to brighten your natural smile, one of your best choices is a... read more »

The Home and Professional Treatments to Help Relieve Sensitive Teeth

Do you avoid taking your dates out to ice cream because the thought of the cold, creamy dessert touching your teeth makes you cringe? If so, you most likely suffer from tooth sensitivity. However, there is no need to fret. Fortunately, there are many treatments available that can help you restore your oral health and finally take that special someone... read more »

Are Bad Habits Dangerous for Tooth Extractions?

Are bad habits dangerous for tooth extractions? Before and after a tooth extraction, always set up an effective plan to prepare your body and home for any situations that can take place. Additionally, make sure to stop any bad habits, such as smoking before and after the surgery, to ensure the highest chance of success and to curtail any risks... read more »

What Is a Toothache and How Do You Get Them?

What is a toothache and how do you get them? A toothache refers to pain produced when nerves within your pulp, located in the roots of your teeth, are injured. This can be the result of an infection, an oral accident or injury, bad oral hygiene, or tooth loss including extractions, and in some cases, the ache may be felt... read more »

Flossing: The Benefits that Can Save Your Smile

If you want a top-notch oral health and smile, it’s important to keep up on oral hygiene on a regular basis and visit Dr. Mike Musso every six months. When it comes to oral hygiene, many people forgo their flossing routines, which is the biggest mistake they can make. If you are one of these people, our Musso Family Dentistry... read more »

Oral Health Risks for Men

As a man, your smile could be at high risk of certain dental issues. This is because there are things in your life that could threaten your teeth and gums. To help you know more about these things so you can take good care of your oral health in Garland, Texas, our Musso Family Dentistry dental team is happy to... read more »

How to Deal With Tooth Discoloration Due to Trauma

You probably know that your teeth can suffer from a number of injuries—but did you know that your pearly whites could change color after you suffer trauma? While you may think teeth whitening could be enough to correct this problem, it actually isn’t. Fortunately, there are many things you could do after you suffer trauma to your teeth. You see,... read more »

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