At Musso Family Dentistry, our dentists can utilize a series of uniquely designed oral appliances that children can wear for just a few hours each day and during the night while they sleep to promote nasal breathing and discourage mouth breathing as their teeth and jaws develop. The end result of this treatment should be a healthy, happy child with a beautiful smile and an airway wide and open for a lifetime of healthy breathing.
The most important feature of our treatments is that they can help develop and widen a child’s airway, allowing many children the opportunity to get the oxygen and deep sleep their growing bodies require. In these cases, children often suffer from a disorder called sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Give us a call to learn more about this condition and about naturally straightening teeth in Garland, Texas, and make your child’s appointment with Dr. Mike Musso, Dr. Mark Musso and Dr. John Bounds.