Our customized treatment varies for each child, such as training your child’s tongue to have the strength it is intended to have. For example, the Vivos System, a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment protocol, is provided by a multidisciplinary team of highly-trained healthcare professionals.
Statistics show over 40 million children can be affected by sleep disorders and are suffering from one or more symptoms of sleep-related breathing symptoms. Our sleep solutions evaluate and address the underlying root causes of sleep-disordered breathing.
When children are young, their bodies are able to adjust and mold easily, particularly in their mouth and their bone structure. Crowded teeth may force the tongue forward against their teeth, narrowing their dental arch and constricting the airway.
Our dentists and team are proud to provide sleep solutions that include the Vivos Life treatment in Garland, Texas, and the surrounding areas of Rockwall, Dallas, Lakewood, Rowlett, Richardson, Sachse, Wylie, Plano, Mesquite and Highland Park, Texas. We invite you to call us at 972-840-8477 for more information and to schedule your child’s consultation with Dr. Mike Musso and Dr. Mark Musso.
There are many things about your child’s health that are important to know but that we often do not get to see while they are at our office. There are signs to look for that you may not have known were connected to your child’s teeth or health. By looking for and tracking these signs and symptoms, we can have a complete picture of your child’s overall health. Find our assessment HERE.
You do not have to spend a lot of time with this assessment tool; just observe their behavior at different times during the day. You want to see their most natural behaviors, so try not to let your child know that you are watching.
Check off what you see. If you are not sure, check it anyway. Make comments if you would like!
Meet Ava and hear her parents’ testimonial of how treatment for their sleep issues have changed their lives. See Mathew’s home videos of how he was sleeping by CLICK ING HERE.
Before now, treatment options have been limited and ineffective, mainly because they address symptoms rather than the potential root cause.
Prescription drugs, surgery, clinical therapy, academic tutors, sleep aids and years in metal braces have been the most commonly prescribed “solutions.” Yet none of these conventional treatments can promote or develop a child’s airway and help them get the oxygen and sleep they need to thrive.
We encourage you to contact Musso Family Dentistry today at 972-840-8477 for more information about sleep solutions and to schedule an appointment for your child with our caring dentists.
Check out some exciting videos about the research behind why we and our children so desperately need sleep:
Learn more about how the nocturnal enuresis is one of the most common complaints of childhood. Upper airway obstruction and nocturnal snoring affect the nocturnal enuresis in children … CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.
Read the article about how the changes of pharyngeal airway size and hyoid bone position following orthodontic treatment of Class I bimaxillary protrusion … CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.